Literary Awards:
Won the first place in Neyshabour`s writing contest-2000
Won the second place in Hoze Honari `s writing contest-2000
Honored as the best writer in Salam Bacheha `s annual writing contest-2001
Honored as the best writer in Setad Eghame Namaz` writing contest-2002
Honored as the best writer in Salam Bacheha `s annual writing contest-2003
Honored in Geshm`s second literary festival (The Story of The Bag)- 2011
Honored as the best writer in Siyah va Sepid, Zesht va Ziba literary festival- 2012
Nominated for Sore literary festival awards in short stories for adults` part (The Story of The Bag) – 2013
Nominated for Enghelab literary festival awards in short stories for adults` part. (Kaghaz e Pare story)- 2013
Honored in Neyshabour`s first week of culture ceremony-2014
Won the first place in Radio Javan`s Javane Festival in radio notes part.(Grandfather Stories).2014